The Congregation gathers

Program Goals for 2014/15

The Congregation gathers

As part of the Council’s annual pastoral review, we chose this year to look at the church’s program rather than just the pastor’s performance. Together, the Council and Rick selected 6 goals to work on this year:

  1. Create mechanisms for lay input to worship planning and evaluation. Possible means include:
    Quarterly meetings with interested worship leaders, readers and others
    Feedback to McLaren Project during Adult Education hour
    Continue informal feedback to Rick
  2. Further engage our community of families with children and youth.
    Meet with families to assess their needs directly from them.
  3. Include lay leadership in Adult Education class
    Invite lay persons to share experiences i.e., visits to Haiti, attendance at conferences, etc.
    Share and lead from a personal book study
  4. Seek ways to invite newcomers to connect with the larger community.
    Host a newcomer event, (lunch, dessert, etc.) to get better acquainted and assess their needs and interests
  5. Seek ways to involve the congregation in more hands‐on mission activities
    Mission Team will look at addtional ways we can further support EHP and Opportunity Services Center
  6. Continue to improve our facilities
    Short term projects: combination bulletin and whiteboard in the Parlor, new window coverings in Parlor, replace and relocate outside church sign, move chairs fromchoir loft to main floor (no cost)
    Long term project: refurbish Fellowship Hall with flooring,stage curtain, lighting, etc.

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We are a progressive Baptist Church affiliated with the American Baptist Churches, USA. We have been in Palo Alto since 1893. We celebrate our Baptist heritage. We affirm the historic Baptist tenets of: Bible Freedom, Soul Freedom, Church Freedom, Religious Freedom

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