
Note from Pastor Rick (2/8/2017)

Come Sunday we will continue our exploration of the Sermon on the Mount. This week we have some of Jesus more challenging words on what it means to hold a clean heart and practice right living. “You have heard it said…but I say to you…” Yes, we know what it means to obey the law, to follow the rules, to do what is expected of us, but Jesus asks more of us. He asks that we turn our attention fully to God and to walk God’s ways. The demands of righteousness are more than any legal or social system can sustain. To ground our lives in deepest love for God and neighbor is both a challenging and rewarding way to live – especially in these days when love is needed more than ever.

In our Adult Spiritual Formation we began our study to the Parables of Jesus with a spirited conversation about what parables are and what function they serve in Jesus’ ministry. We also talked about how each of us, whether scholar, preacher, lay person, comes to this material with a point of view that helps (or hinders) how we read the texts. In the next couple of weeks we will look at some specific parables, both the beloved and the problematic to see if we might cultivate a new and enlivening perspective on this familiar material. Feel free to join us. I’m sure you will fit right in.

See you Sunday at 10 AM for Worship and Sunday School. Invite someone to share the time with you.

Our theme for this year is “All Are Welcome in this Place.” Let’s make certain that it is so.

Pastor Rick   

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We are a progressive Baptist Church affiliated with the American Baptist Churches, USA. We have been in Palo Alto since 1893. We celebrate our Baptist heritage. We affirm the historic Baptist tenets of: Bible Freedom, Soul Freedom, Church Freedom, Religious Freedom

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