Prayers with the People

Our Joys and Concerns for this week include:

Birthday Joy: Daniel Ramirez (July 16)

Lois Ville for her brother-in-law who had successful surgery Monday to replace an aortic valve.

Charlotte Jackson for the people in Haiti who our special offering (OGHS) has supported after many natural disasters destroyed the island.

Pastor Rick for Marcia Patton, whose mother died last week; for the family and friends of my mentor, David Bartlett, who had a fall and severe stroke in Chicago last week and is in the University of Chicago Hospital.

Pastor Gregory for the brave families (and others) crossing borders, now having their retinas scanned and are being robbed of their dignity, loved ones, and their low-wage work-life by racist politicians in the highest of offices.

For the wonderful work of Church World Service and for all those who benefit from One Great Hour of Sharing!


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