Pastor Rick Mixon

Note from Pastor Rick (11/16/2016)

Life moves on, though not so placidly, in this post-election environment. As we noted Sunday, there are deep feelings which need to be attended – grief, anger, confusion, elation, fear, hope. And there is important work to be done. There is much to be revealed in the days ahead, much yet to consider as the future unfolds. For us, my vision continues to be that we will be a faithful people, standing for justice, peace, kindness, compassion, and the well-being of all creation. There are likely to be challenges to this stance just over the horizon. Our witness may seem increasingly counter-cultural (much like the first church,) which makes it all the more important, especially if the promises of the recent campaign begin to become reality.

This Sunday holds a rich mixture  of themes. It is our annual Stewardship or Gratitude Sunday. You are encouraged to bring your completed pledge forms and Time and Talent Surveys as well as food for the EHP holiday drive. During the offering, we will ask everyone to bring their forms and their food and leave them at the table. If you need additional copies of the forms – pledge or Time and Talent Survey – we have them in the church office or you can pick them up Sunday.

This is also “Reign of Christ” Sunday, the last Sunday in the liturgical year. This is day we recognize the culmination of Christ’s life and ministry among us. The next Sunday, Advent 1, we start the whole process over again, as we await once more the birth of the Christ in our midst. In considering the texts for this week, we noted in Bible study that this is not the traditional tale of a king. In spite of the expectations of the Jewish people over the centuries, and even those of Jesus’ own followers, this was not a king to come with power and might to restore the glory of the Davidic kingdom. In the end, Jesus of Nazareth became the Christ, the servant king of all creation. What a strange disappointment! What glorious possibilities!

In Adult Spiritual Formation, we will continue our consideration of the video series, Saving Jesus Redux.  In a timely manner, we have arrived at the lesson, “Jesus’ Birth: Incarnation.” Also, a reminder that I have complementary tickets for the California Youth Symphony, featuring our own James Poe, at the San Mateo Performing Arts Center, Sunday afternoon at 2:30 PM. Let me know if you want a ticket. And on Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, Pastor Gregory and I will be hosting dinner at the church at 2:00 PM for anyone who wants to join us. Please let one of us know if you plan to be there and also what side dish you might bring. We will furnish the turkey and dressing.

Please join in any and all of these events of the season. Bring someone along to share the experiences with you.

Together, let us strive…to know God’s love!

Pastor Rick   

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We are a progressive Baptist Church affiliated with the American Baptist Churches, USA. We have been in Palo Alto since 1893. We celebrate our Baptist heritage. We affirm the historic Baptist tenets of: Bible Freedom, Soul Freedom, Church Freedom, Religious Freedom

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