
January Mission Offering: 10 Books A Home

10 Books A Home (10BH) was founded in East Palo Alto in 2009 based on the belief that every child has intrinsic learning motivations, and that if discovered and cultivated, children will realize their full potential.

The Need: 10BH is a home tutoring nonprofit that positions high poverty preschoolers and their families to enter kindergarten above grade level. It is not enough to be “at” grade level in high poverty school communities. Children in these communities enter kindergarten more behind, fail more, and fall into poverty as adults more than any other student group. High poverty students must be “above” grade level to compete in the real world. Shockingly, 24% of the nation’s students are high poverty, up from 20% in 2010 and 12% in 2000.

The Solution: 10BH developed the Child-Parent Home Tutoring Program to ready children to succeed academically when they arrive in kindergarten. The program provides in-home, child-parent learner centric home tutoring for two years from when a child is 3 years old until the week before s/he starts kindergarten.

The Goal: (1) reach full enrollment in its East Palo Alto site by 2018, (2) open its (second) East San Jose site in 2018, and (3) open two additional Bay Area sites in 2020.

Our goal for this offering is $600.

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We are a progressive Baptist Church affiliated with the American Baptist Churches, USA. We have been in Palo Alto since 1893. We celebrate our Baptist heritage. We affirm the historic Baptist tenets of: Bible Freedom, Soul Freedom, Church Freedom, Religious Freedom

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