Three candles

More Light… More Love… More Life

Three candlesThis Sunday we will continue our experience of the Jesus Dojo with an emphasis on “Framing our Practice of Love.” In particular, we want to turn our thoughts to Lenten practices and shaping Lenten worship. To that end we would like to encourage everyone to participate, not just the “regulars.” Lent is not just about an obligatory “giving something up.” Its focus is on drawing nearer to the heart of God as we move toward the celebration of Easter. What might you do as an individual and what might we do as a congregation to intensify our experience of the Holy over the 40 days of Lent? What might we do to share that experience in our witness? It is both a journey inward and a journey outward.

In worship we will conclude a three part consideration of our theme for this year, “More Light…More Love…More Life.” As we anticipate our Renewal Proposal, I continue to believe that there is more light, love and life to come to this faith community as well as more of each to come from us. Sunday we look at Moses’s last speech from the book of Deuteronomy in which he encourages his sometimes cynical, sometimes recalcitrant people to “choose life,” as they stand on the banks of the Jordan, looking over to the Land of Promise, with both longing and anxiety, wonder and worry about what lies ahead. What is our land of promise? How will we approach it? Will we enter it with anticipation and joy? Thelma Parodi has suggested the sermon title should be, “You Want to Be Happy?” What do you think? Will we be happy, blessed, fortunate, if we take the risk to choose life? Deuteronomy says that to choose life is to choose God, who is life. How would that shape our life together?

See you Sunday at 10 AM; plan to stay to share your thoughts on Lent and practicing love.

God grant us more light, more love, more life as we journey together.

Pastor Rick

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We are a progressive Baptist Church affiliated with the American Baptist Churches, USA. We have been in Palo Alto since 1893. We celebrate our Baptist heritage. We affirm the historic Baptist tenets of: Bible Freedom, Soul Freedom, Church Freedom, Religious Freedom

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