Three candles

Wally Bryen to preach Sunday

Three candlesI will be away this weekend representing our congregation at the annual meeting of the Evergreen Baptist Association, followed by a board meeting of the Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists. One of my tasks while in Seattle will be to offer a formal invitation to our Region to hold next October’s meeting here at FBCPA. The Region has decided to hold its annual meeting in California every 10 years or so in recognition of the 6 or 7 California congregations that are Evergreen members. Of course, we will look to these other local congregations as well as the Regional office to help us host this event. It will be exciting to welcome our Evergreen sisters and brothers into our space. On Sunday, I will worship at University Baptist Church where I will bring greetings from the AWAB board to that member congregation.

Meanwhile, I am grateful that Wally Bryen will be available to help lead us in worship this Sunday. He will pick up the theme from We Make the Road by Walking, using Genesis 12:1-9 as his text. The suggested focus is on faith…what is it? How do we practice it? What does it demand of us? Abram seems so willing to put his faith and trust in Yahweh, who is constantly calling him to new and challenging adventures. Can we learn something from this ancient story about we might faithfully face God’s future for us? Are we willing to go places we’ve never been before or even imagined?

There will not be a formal Adult Spiritual Formation session this Sunday as Doug will be meeting with the parents of our children and youth. However, Dan Cudworth has agreed to lead a continuation of our discussion of Everything Must Change for those who would like to participate. Thanks, Dan.

I will be back in the office on Wednesday. Call the church office if there is a pastoral emergency. As usual I will be available by phone or email.

Come at 10:00 AM for Worship and Sunday School, then stay for one of Sunday’s conversations – with Doug or Dan. Bring someone to share the day with you.

God grant us more light, more love, more life as we journey together.

Pastor Rick

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We are a progressive Baptist Church affiliated with the American Baptist Churches, USA. We have been in Palo Alto since 1893. We celebrate our Baptist heritage. We affirm the historic Baptist tenets of: Bible Freedom, Soul Freedom, Church Freedom, Religious Freedom

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